I have visited Wonderfeel almost every time since its inception several years ago. It is a classical music festival in nature surroundings at a former country estate in 's Graveland. A variety of classical music performances is present at the festival from classical solos to more modern improvisations, poetry and musical plays. I enjoy seeing artists of any age and background performing their music. It is a true plunge in culture.
This year I went for the full three day programme, and I brought my camera. I chose the full programme to find out whether I missed out by chosing one day in the years before. I made pictures because eventually I want to depict music in art. Additionally, I want to capture the concentration of musicians feeling in full their music in portraits or statues.
I hope I can make art that stirrs me and hypnotises me as music does. I want to make something inspired by Calder's moving statues. The gravity in his statues captivates me, moves me, I could lose myself dreaming. Calder's statues contain elements of Mondriaan. I find his bubbly Victory Boogie Woogie very impressive, but in other paintings Mondriaan does not entirely win me over for his abstract interpretation of music. It is too clinical to my taste. Music is not just a matter of formal composition; it is emotionally moving, gravity and at times lifely or bubbly. In the painting medium I am impressed by Kandinsky. I want to make a statue with the hypnotising gravity of Calder's statues and self invented shapes stirring similar emotions as the gravity of music and its underlying music lines. Ideally, I want make it possible to distinguish different pieces of music in different statues.