The oil crayon drawings mainly focus on landscapes. The aim is to make an impression in original colours capturing the atmosphere. Other than with oil paint the colour choice is restricted to those colour crayons available, pressuring into atypical colour combinations to express an impression.
It is better to view the drawings at a distance, the colours and details blend into a sharper whole. The landscape impressions demonstrated are situated in the Netherlands, Venice and Switzerland. The two pictures in the Netherlands show typical landscape around Ankeveen and its lakes. In Venice the challenge is to produce something more original than the mass production images sold down the streets. The water effects and mirroring effects work out well in all drawings.
In the mountains the challenge is to make a spatial impression. The viewer is deliberately drawn into the depth of the landscape. One impression is based on one picture with snowy mountain tops. The other is an assembly of impressions at different stages on a walk down a valley compiled into one picture. It is not possible to make such a panoramic view or impression based with a camera. Of course the perception of the allround landscape around me is not based on one picture, but the question is how I can effectively express that overall impression into one image or drawing.
An overview of the drawings is given below along with a brief description. The pictures are not fully shown, and it is better to watch them at a larger distance for a full appreciation.
Impression of valley towards Sur il Foss in Switzerland. Its a compilation of several pictures in a panoramic impression. Such a panorama cannot be achieved with a regular camera.